Race Time Predictor

Enter a goal race distance and a recent distance completed to work out your predicted time for the event.

Your predicted time is 00:00:00, with a pace of 00:00 minutes per kilometre

The race time predictor is a valuable tool for runners who are preparing for a race and want to determine their expected time based on their recent performance. With this tool, you can enter a goal race distance and a recent distance completed, and the tool will predict your time for the event.

To use the race time predictor, simply enter the goal race distance and the recent distance completed. The tool will then use your recent performance to calculate your expected time for the goal race. This prediction is based on the assumption that your pace over the recent distance is representative of your overall fitness level and running ability, and that it will be similar during the goal race.

This tool can be especially helpful for runners who are preparing for a race and want to set realistic goals. By predicting your expected time, you can get a better idea of what to aim for and help you better prepare for the race. The tool can also help you track your progress over time and see how your expected time changes based on your recent performance.

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