Half Marathon Pace Chart

See which times you should be hitting every 5k during a half marathon.

This half marathon pacing chart has been designed to help runners plan their race strategy by breaking down the race distance into smaller segments and providing estimated times and paces for each segment. This tool can be incredibly useful for runners who want to set specific goals and keep track of their progress during the race.

The tool shows the predicted times for each segment of the race (5k, 10k, 15k, 20k, and finally the half marathon distance), along with the average pace per kilometer or mile. This allows you to adjust you pace and effort level accordingly, depending on how you feel during the race. By following a pre-determined pacing strategy, you can avoid starting too fast or too slow, and maintain a consistent pace throughout the race.

The chart is also useful to know where you need to pick up the pace or slow down. For example, if you started slower in a race than you expected, maybe there are crowds, you didn’t feel great at the start, any reason! Then it’s useful to know what times you need to be hitting latter on in that race.

Half Marathon Pace Chart in Kilometers

Goal Time 5K Split 10K Split 15K Split 20K Split Finish Time Pace per Km
00:40:00 00:09:29 00:18:58 00:28:26 00:37:55 00:40:00 00:01:54
00:45:00 00:10:40 00:21:20 00:32:00 00:42:40 00:45:00 00:02:08
00:50:00 00:11:51 00:23:42 00:35:33 00:47:24 00:50:00 00:02:22
00:55:00 00:13:02 00:26:04 00:39:06 00:52:08 00:55:00 00:02:36
01:00:00 00:14:13 00:28:26 00:42:40 00:56:53 01:00:00 00:02:51
01:05:00 00:15:24 00:30:49 00:46:13 01:01:37 01:05:00 00:03:05
01:10:00 00:16:35 00:33:11 00:49:46 01:06:22 01:10:00 00:03:19
01:15:00 00:17:46 00:35:33 00:53:19 01:11:06 01:15:00 00:03:33
01:20:00 00:18:58 00:37:55 00:56:53 01:15:50 01:20:00 00:03:48
01:25:00 00:20:09 00:40:17 01:00:26 01:20:35 01:25:00 00:04:02
01:30:00 00:21:20 00:42:40 01:03:59 01:25:19 01:30:00 00:04:16
01:35:00 00:22:31 00:45:02 01:07:33 01:30:03 01:35:00 00:04:30
01:40:00 00:23:42 00:47:24 01:11:06 01:34:48 01:40:00 00:04:44
01:45:00 00:24:53 00:49:46 01:14:39 01:39:32 01:45:00 00:04:59
01:50:00 00:26:04 00:52:08 01:18:12 01:44:17 01:50:00 00:05:13
01:55:00 00:27:15 00:54:31 01:21:46 01:49:01 01:55:00 00:05:27
02:00:00 00:28:26 00:56:53 01:25:19 01:53:45 02:00:00 00:05:41
02:05:00 00:29:37 00:59:15 01:28:52 01:58:30 02:05:00 00:05:55
02:10:00 00:30:49 01:01:37 01:32:26 02:03:14 02:10:00 00:06:10
02:15:00 00:32:00 01:03:59 01:35:59 02:07:59 02:15:00 00:06:24
02:20:00 00:33:11 01:06:22 01:39:32 02:12:43 02:20:00 00:06:38
02:25:00 00:34:22 01:08:44 01:43:06 02:17:27 02:25:00 00:06:52
02:30:00 00:35:33 01:11:06 01:46:39 02:22:12 02:30:00 00:07:07
02:35:00 00:36:44 01:13:28 01:50:12 02:26:56 02:35:00 00:07:21
02:40:00 00:37:55 01:15:50 01:53:45 02:31:41 02:40:00 00:07:35
02:45:00 00:39:06 01:18:12 01:57:19 02:36:25 02:45:00 00:07:49
02:50:00 00:40:17 01:20:35 02:00:52 02:41:09 02:50:00 00:08:03
02:55:00 00:41:28 01:22:57 02:04:25 02:45:54 02:55:00 00:08:18
03:00:00 00:42:40 01:25:19 02:07:59 02:50:38 03:00:00 00:08:32
03:05:00 00:43:51 01:27:41 02:11:32 02:55:23 03:05:00 00:08:46
03:10:00 00:45:02 01:30:03 02:15:05 03:00:07 03:10:00 00:09:00
03:15:00 00:46:13 01:32:26 02:18:39 03:04:51 03:15:00 00:09:15
03:20:00 00:47:24 01:34:48 02:22:12 03:09:36 03:20:00 00:09:29
03:25:00 00:48:35 01:37:10 02:25:45 03:14:20 03:25:00 00:09:43
03:30:00 00:49:46 01:39:32 02:29:18 03:19:05 03:30:00 00:09:57
03:35:00 00:50:57 01:41:54 02:32:52 03:23:49 03:35:00 00:10:11
03:40:00 00:52:08 01:44:17 02:36:25 03:28:33 03:40:00 00:10:26
03:45:00 00:53:19 01:46:39 02:39:58 03:33:18 03:45:00 00:10:40
03:50:00 00:54:31 01:49:01 02:43:32 03:38:02 03:50:00 00:10:54
03:55:00 00:55:42 01:51:23 02:47:05 03:42:47 03:55:00 00:11:08
04:00:00 00:56:53 01:53:45 02:50:38 03:47:31 04:00:00 00:11:23

Half Marathon Pace Chart in Miles

Goal Time 2 Mile Split 4 Mile Split 6 Mile Split 8 Mile Split 10 Mile Split 12 Mile Split Finish Time Pace per Mile
00:40:00 00:06:06 00:12:12 00:18:18 00:24:25 00:30:31 00:36:37 00:40:00 00:03:03
00:45:00 00:06:52 00:13:44 00:20:36 00:27:28 00:34:20 00:41:12 00:45:00 00:03:26
00:50:00 00:07:38 00:15:15 00:22:53 00:30:31 00:38:08 00:45:46 00:50:00 00:03:49
00:55:00 00:08:23 00:16:47 00:25:10 00:33:34 00:41:57 00:50:21 00:55:00 00:04:12
01:00:00 00:09:09 00:18:18 00:27:28 00:36:37 00:45:46 00:54:55 01:00:00 00:04:35
01:05:00 00:09:55 00:19:50 00:29:45 00:39:40 00:49:35 00:59:30 01:05:00 00:04:57
01:10:00 00:10:41 00:21:22 00:32:02 00:42:43 00:53:24 01:04:05 01:10:00 00:05:20
01:15:00 00:11:27 00:22:53 00:34:20 00:45:46 00:57:13 01:08:39 01:15:00 00:05:43
01:20:00 00:12:12 00:24:25 00:36:37 00:48:49 01:01:01 01:13:14 01:20:00 00:06:06
01:25:00 00:12:58 00:25:56 00:38:54 00:51:52 01:04:50 01:17:48 01:25:00 00:06:29
01:30:00 00:13:44 00:27:28 00:41:12 00:54:55 01:08:39 01:22:23 01:30:00 00:06:52
01:35:00 00:14:30 00:28:59 00:43:29 00:57:58 01:12:28 01:26:58 01:35:00 00:07:15
01:40:00 00:15:15 00:30:31 00:45:46 01:01:01 01:16:17 01:31:32 01:40:00 00:07:38
01:45:00 00:16:01 00:32:02 00:48:03 01:04:05 01:20:06 01:36:07 01:45:00 00:08:01
01:50:00 00:16:47 00:33:34 00:50:21 01:07:08 01:23:55 01:40:41 01:50:00 00:08:23
01:55:00 00:17:33 00:35:05 00:52:38 01:10:11 01:27:43 01:45:16 01:55:00 00:08:46
02:00:00 00:18:18 00:36:37 00:54:55 01:13:14 01:31:32 01:49:51 02:00:00 00:09:09
02:05:00 00:19:04 00:38:08 00:57:13 01:16:17 01:35:21 01:54:25 02:05:00 00:09:32
02:10:00 00:19:50 00:39:40 00:59:30 01:19:20 01:39:10 01:59:00 02:10:00 00:09:55
02:15:00 00:20:36 00:41:12 01:01:47 01:22:23 01:42:59 02:03:35 02:15:00 00:10:18
02:20:00 00:21:22 00:42:43 01:04:05 01:25:26 01:46:48 02:08:09 02:20:00 00:10:41
02:25:00 00:22:07 00:44:15 01:06:22 01:28:29 01:50:36 02:12:44 02:25:00 00:11:04
02:30:00 00:22:53 00:45:46 01:08:39 01:31:32 01:54:25 02:17:18 02:30:00 00:11:27
02:35:00 00:23:39 00:47:18 01:10:56 01:34:35 01:58:14 02:21:53 02:35:00 00:11:49
02:40:00 00:24:25 00:48:49 01:13:14 01:37:38 02:02:03 02:26:28 02:40:00 00:12:12
02:45:00 00:25:10 00:50:21 01:15:31 01:40:41 02:05:52 02:31:02 02:45:00 00:12:35
02:50:00 00:25:56 00:51:52 01:17:48 01:43:45 02:09:41 02:35:37 02:50:00 00:12:58
02:55:00 00:26:42 00:53:24 01:20:06 01:46:48 02:13:30 02:40:11 02:55:00 00:13:21
03:00:00 00:27:28 00:54:55 01:22:23 01:49:51 02:17:18 02:44:46 03:00:00 00:13:44
03:05:00 00:28:13 00:56:27 01:24:40 01:52:54 02:21:07 02:49:21 03:05:00 00:14:07
03:10:00 00:28:59 00:57:58 01:26:58 01:55:57 02:24:56 02:53:55 03:10:00 00:14:30
03:15:00 00:29:45 00:59:30 01:29:15 01:59:00 02:28:45 02:58:30 03:15:00 00:14:52
03:20:00 00:30:31 01:01:01 01:31:32 02:02:03 02:32:34 03:03:04 03:20:00 00:15:15
03:25:00 00:31:17 01:02:33 01:33:50 02:05:06 02:36:23 03:07:39 03:25:00 00:15:38
03:30:00 00:32:02 01:04:05 01:36:07 02:08:09 02:40:11 03:12:14 03:30:00 00:16:01
03:35:00 00:32:48 01:05:36 01:38:24 02:11:12 02:44:00 03:16:48 03:35:00 00:16:24
03:40:00 00:33:34 01:07:08 01:40:41 02:14:15 02:47:49 03:21:23 03:40:00 00:16:47
03:45:00 00:34:20 01:08:39 01:42:59 02:17:18 02:51:38 03:25:58 03:45:00 00:17:10
03:50:00 00:35:05 01:10:11 01:45:16 02:20:21 02:55:27 03:30:32 03:50:00 00:17:33
03:55:00 00:35:51 01:11:42 01:47:33 02:23:25 02:59:16 03:35:07 03:55:00 00:17:56
04:00:00 00:36:37 01:13:14 01:49:51 02:26:28 03:03:04 03:39:41 04:00:00 00:18:18

What is a Pace Chart for a Half Marathon?

A half marathon pace chart is a valuable tool for runners participating in a half marathon race. It provides detailed information about the pace required to complete each kilometer or mile of the race in a desired time. The chart serves as a reference guide, allowing runners to monitor their progress, adjust their strategies, and achieve specific time goals.

A half marathon pace chart presents a range of finishing times, such as 1 hour 30 minutes to 3 hours, with varying increments (e.g., 1:30, 1:40, 1:50, and so on). Each time interval is further divided into the pace per kilometer or mile required to achieve that goal. For example, if a runner aims to finish the half marathon in 2 hours, the chart will provide the corresponding pace for each kilometer or mile to maintain throughout the race.

The pace is usually indicated in minutes and seconds per kilometer or mile. For instance, a 2-hour half marathon might require an average pace of 5 minutes and 41 seconds per kilometer (or 9 minutes and 9 seconds per mile). The pace chart then breaks down each kilometer or mile with the corresponding time, enabling runners to set intermediate goals and track their progress during the race.

How to Use a Pace Chart for a Half Marathon?

A half marathon pace chart is a valuable resource for runners preparing for a half marathon race. Here are some guidelines on how to effectively utilize a pace chart:

  1. Set a realistic time goal: Determine your target finishing time for the half marathon. This will serve as a reference point for using the pace chart.
  2. Familiarize yourself with the chart: Take a close look at the half marathon pace chart and understand its structure. Note the time intervals and corresponding paces for each kilometer or mile.
  3. Plan your race strategy: Based on your target time, identify the desired pace per kilometer or mile from the chart. Divide the race into smaller segments and determine the pace you need to maintain in each segment.
  4. Monitor your progress: During the race, periodically check your time and compare it to the pace chart. Adjust your pace if necessary to stay on track with your goal time.
  5. Make adjustments as needed: If you find yourself falling behind or ahead of your target time, modify your pace accordingly. Use the pace chart as a guide to make informed decisions about increasing or decreasing your effort.
  6. Stay mentally focused: Maintain a positive mindset and stay mentally engaged throughout the race. Use the pace chart to set intermediate goals and motivate yourself to achieve them.
  7. Finish strong: As you approach the final kilometers or miles, consult the pace chart to determine the pace required for a strong finish. Push yourself to maintain or increase your pace and give it your all in the last stretch.

By following these steps and utilizing the half marathon pace chart effectively, you can optimize your performance and achieve your time goals in the race.

How to Pace Yourself in a Half Marathon?

Proper pacing is crucial for a successful half marathon. Here are some tips to help you pace yourself effectively:

  1. Set a realistic goal: Determine your target finishing time for the half marathon. This will guide your pacing strategy.
  2. Study the course: Familiarize yourself with the half marathon course, including any challenging sections or elevation changes. Adjust your pace accordingly, conserving energy on uphills and maintaining a steady pace on flat or downhill stretches.
  3. Start conservatively: Avoid the temptation to start the race too fast. Begin at a slightly slower pace than your goal pace to allow your body to warm up and find its rhythm. Gradually increase your speed as the race progresses.
  4. Refer to the half marathon pace chart: Utilize the pace chart to determine the pace per kilometer or mile you need to maintain for your target time. Use it as a reference during the race to monitor your progress and make adjustments if required.
  5. Listen to your body: Pay attention to how you feel during the race. Your perceived effort should be sustainable throughout. If you’re pushing too hard and struggling to maintain the pace, consider slowing down slightly. On the other hand, if you feel you have more energy, you can pick up the pace.
  6. Employ a negative split strategy: Aim to run the second half of the race slightly faster than the first half. This approach helps you conserve energy initially and finish strong. Gradually increase your pace as the race progresses.
  7. Maintain mental focus: Stay mentally engaged and positive throughout the race. Break the distance into smaller segments and focus on reaching specific milestones. Visualize your goal time and use positive self-talk to stay motivated.
  8. Finish strong: As you approach the final kilometers or miles of the half marathon, give it your all and push yourself to sprint or increase your pace. Tap into your reserves of energy and strive for a strong finish.

With practice and experience, you can develop effective pacing skills and improve your performance in half marathons. Incorporate pacing strategies into your training runs and apply them on race day to achieve your running goals.

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