Change log

  1. Age Grade Calculator and Weight vs Pace Tools AddedLatest

    A new age grading calculator has been added to the tools page.

    A new weight vs pace calculator has been added to the tools page.

    Tools now link to the others tools, improving navigation.

  2. Split Time Calculator Added

    A new split time calculator has been added to the tools page.

    Homepage updated to show we've now made 5,000+ plans for runners.

    Small text imporovements

  3. French Added and Pace Chart Improvements

    RunReps is now available in French.

    Pace chart pages have been improved to provide more detail, and better times in the tables themselves.

    All pages now feature breadcrumbs.

    FAQs now feature schema markup.

  4. Re-Design, Hyrox and Couch to 5k

    RunReps has been redesigned with a cleaner look to help users find what they are looking for and use the tools.

    We've added a Hyrox plan generator and information for the event.

    Couch to 5k Training Plan Generator added.

    Calories needed for a run calculator added.

  5. Compare the Pro Athletes

    A new tool has been released which allows you to compare any pro male athlete over any distance from 100 meters to 10,000 meters.

    Based on any feedback we will soon be adding female atheletes and more distances.

  6. Additional FAQs

    The FAQs section has been expanded to help people starting their running journey. If you have anything you would like to add, please get in touch.

  7. Generate PDF Plans

    When generating a new running plan, users now have the option to download a PDF version of the plan.

    Users can also now bookmark there plan, so they can return at any time to view it.

  8. Generate CSV Plans

    When generating a new running plan, users now have the option to download a CSV version of the plan.

  9. Pace Charts Added

    Running pace charts are now available for users to see what pace they need to hit their goals.

  10. RunReps v2 Launched

    RunReps v2 was launched with a running plan generator, improved running tools and some content to support the website.